Catch PiggyAlarm in Action
PiggyAlarm helps you keep track of the number of times you have snoozed and the time taken for you to wake up.
Take a look at the video on the right. It shows you:
1. Adding of alarm
2. Pull down clock face view before going to bed
3. Quick access to view and off your alarms in Today view
4. Click "I'm Awake" to check out your snooze profile
5. View details of your snooze profile for the past few days

Graphs to increase self awareness
A pie chart and bar charts to show how you fare overall and the past 2 weeks.

One-time and recurring alarms
You will be able to set one-time alarms — alarms that will be automatically removed after it done it’s job.
Recurring alarms that ring daily, any weekday, weekends only or everyday.
Did I mention that the snooze timing are customizable too? You can set the alarms to snooze at 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 20 minutes or even 30 minutes.
Songs from music library as alarm
Don’t like the preset sounds? You can select songs from your music library as alarm sounds